Tune: The Laughing Policeman
I am a cyber mischief-maker
Some call me a troll
Upsetting all the folks out there
Is my life’s only goal
I haven’t got a girlfriend
And I haven’t got a wife
The only pleasure that I get
Is causing others strife
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !
I have a nice computer
It connects me to the Net
I like to join in forums
You should see the fun I get
When I wind up all the punters
Question their intelligence
I clutch my sides and laugh with glee
To see them take offence
I like to visit spanking sites
They are a bed of riches
Some take life so seriously
It curls me up in stitches
They think somehow that double D’s
A lifestyle not a bra
The only thing I say to that is
My favourite vids are from guys
Who do their stuff for money
Most of them can’t act for shit
It is intensely funny
I like the spanking models though;
To see them caned is bliss
Although the guys a-whacking them
Are just taking the piss.
Some bloggers must have shit for brains
While others are precocious
Many spout a load of crap
Their spelling is atrocious
Who gives a stuff how many times
They got spanked yesterday?
Do me a great big favour mate
And kindly go away
You think I might be prejudiced
But it’s not true you see
Gay or straight or black or white
You’re all the same to me
If you want to have an argument
Then I’m the boy to call
Just pay me some attention
And we’ll really have a ball
Chorus (repeat for as long as you like)