Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Song - Ode to the Troll

Tune: The Laughing Policeman

I am a cyber mischief-maker
Some call me a troll
Upsetting all the folks out there
Is my life’s only goal
I haven’t got a girlfriend
And I haven’t got a wife
The only pleasure that I get
Is causing others strife

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !

I have a nice computer
It connects me to the Net
I like to join in forums
You should see the fun I get
When I wind up all the punters
Question their intelligence
I clutch my sides and laugh with glee
To see them take offence


I like to visit spanking sites
They are a bed of riches
Some take life so seriously
It curls me up in stitches
They think somehow that double D’s
A lifestyle not a bra
The only thing I say to that is


My favourite vids are from guys
Who do their stuff for money
Most of them can’t act for shit
It is intensely funny
I like the spanking models though;
To see them caned is bliss
Although the guys a-whacking them
Are just taking the piss.


Some bloggers must have shit for brains
While others are precocious
Many spout a load of crap
Their spelling is atrocious
Who gives a stuff how many times
They got spanked yesterday?
Do me a great big favour mate
And kindly go away


You think I might be prejudiced
But it’s not true you see
Gay or straight or black or white
You’re all the same to me
If you want to have an argument
Then I’m the boy to call
Just pay me some attention
And we’ll really have a ball

Chorus (repeat for as long as you like)

Friday, 7 October 2011

Sing along

Tune: Diamonds are a girl's best friend.  (Actually I have to apologise because the lyrics don't fit in with the whole tune since I got two tunes mixed up in my head.  Sorry about that.  I just can't be motivated to change it at the moment so by all means sing along with the first half of each verse and make up the music for the second half like I inadvertantly did!)

A date with a girl can be quite sentimental
But a penis is a boy’s best friend
When it comes down to things that are quite fundamental
In my mind there is no doubt
I get my willy out
I love to caress him and he’ll never complain
He’s a friend for all weathers, be it sunshine or rain
And he’s fun to take with you for a holiday in Spain
Yes a penis is a boy’s best friend

It’s tough on the girls who were born with them missing
And they have to borrow ours instead
The poor little things have to sit down when they’re pissing
But we boys don’t have to care
We wave them in the air
When spanking girls’ bottoms our trousers go tight
If you haven’t got a girl to spank then watching films is alright
Your faithful old chum will keep you company at night
Yes a penis is a boy’s best friend.

(instrumental break)

What fun is to see when a girl gets a caning
And to see her little bum turn red
I reach for my dick because it’s so entertaining
When I see those stripes appear
I come over all queer
I can’t begin to tell you what thoughts they invoke
But I guess somehow my feelings are the same as any other bloke
So I pull out my willy and I give him a stroke
Yes a penis is a boy’s best friend.